At the end of last year, the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona published the book Emporion i Rhode il·lustrades. La Disertación sobre las colonias de griegos en Cathaluña de Josep Vega i de Sentmenat (1780) i les primeres recerques sobre la fundació d’establiments grecs al Mediterrani occidental by Dr. Raimon Graells i Fabregat. The book publishes for the first time in its entirety the two speeches made by Josep Vega i Sentmenat on the Greek settlements of Rode (Roses, Girona) and Emporion (Empúries, l’Escala, Girona) on February 13 and July 19, 1780, respectively, at the headquarters of the Academy. This is a work that, despite having been taken into account throughout the historiography of Empúries and Roses, had remained unpublished. With this publication, what is considered the first monographic study dedicated to the Greek colonies of Catalunya is highlighted, accompanied by the excellent contextualization made by Dr. Graells on the historical significance of this work and the cultural framework in which it was written.
The book can be downloaded from the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres website: