
Published Volume 8 of the Journal of Greek Archaeology

Last December, Volume 8 of the Journal of Greek Archaeology (JGA), corresponding to the year 2023, was published, dedicated to the memory of Professor Andrew Stewart (1948-2023), specialist in Greek art and lecturer in the History of Art Department at University of Berkeley until his retirement. The issue begins with an interesting biographical and...

Sir John Boardman dies at 96

Last May 23, Sir John Boardman, one of the greatest British researchers, along with Sir John Beazley, of the archaeology and art of ancient Greece, died. His academic career was impressive, linked to the most prestigious institutions in the United Kingdom, such as the British School at Athens, but above all at Oxford University,...

Emporion i Rhode il·lustrades

At the end of last year, the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona published the book Emporion i Rhode il·lustrades. La Disertación sobre las colonias de griegos en Cathaluña de Josep Vega i de Sentmenat (1780) i les primeres recerques sobre la fundació d’establiments grecs al Mediterrani occidental by Dr. Raimon Graells i...

III Encuentros Mediterráneos España-Chipre

The Asociación Hispano-helénica de Málaga. Polis has organized the “III Encuentros Mediterráneos España-Chipre” which will take place between the months of March and June this year, with the disseminating the history and culture of Cyprus and Greece in Andalusia, especially in the city of Malaga. The following conferences have been scheduled: Elías Eliades “Symbol...

Dead Professor Glòria Trias Rubiés

  Last March 6, Professor Glòria Trias Rubiés died in Palma de Mallorca, one month short of her 99th birthday (Barcelona, April 22, 1925). On the occasion of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the publication of his work Cerámicas griegas de la Península Ibérica (Valencia, vol. I: 1967, vol. II: 1968) in...

At the feet of the goddess

In the latest issue of the journal Complutum (34-2, 2023), from the Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the article “A los pies de la diosa. Contexto y análisis de la escultura de mármol griego documentada en el patio del yacimiento tartésico de Casas del Turuñuelo (Guareña,...

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