Greek trade in the Mediterranean in Antiquity. Transport amphorae

On October 17th and 18th, the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, at its headquarters in Barcelona, is organizing scientific conferences designed to lear about the characteristics of Greek trade in the Mediterranean between the 8th and 2nd centuries BC, through the archaeological evidence provided by the amphorae, the pottery containers that were used for the marketing of Greek wines and oils and other food products.

On Thursday the 17th (6:30-8:30 p. m.) Dr. Darío Bernal Casasola (Universidad de Cádiz) will speak with the conference “Greek amphorae and Mediterranean economic history: reflections and challenges”. Afterwards, the digital edition of the monograph Les àmfores gregues a Ibèria. Novetats arqueològiques i estat actual de la recerca, will be presented by Jusèp Boya, director of the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, and Xavier Aquilué (MAC-Iberia Graeca) and Miguel Ángel Cau-Ontiveros (ICREA-IAUB), scientific editors of the publication.

The session on Friday the 18th (9:15 a.m.-2 p.m.) will have the following interventions: “Greek amphorae in the central sector of Corinth through the study of the Punic Amphora Building and its surroundings”, Dr. Antonio Manuel Sáez Romero (Universidad de Sevilla); “A sea the colour of wine: following the steps of the Greek maritime trade between Corsica and southern Gaul (6th-2nd centuries BC), Dr. Franca Cibecchini (DRASSM, Centre Camille Jullian UMR 7299); “The amphorae of the wreck of El Sec (Mallorca): a renewed vision from the last excavations (2021-2022)”, Dr. Guillermo Pascual (Universidad de Cádiz), Sr. Sebastiá Munar (Universitat de Barcelona), Dr. Carlos De Juan (GRAM-Universitat de València) and Dr. Agustín Díez (GRAM-Universitat de València); “Selling oil and wine in distant markets: Greek amphorae in the south of the Iberian Peninsula”, Dr. Eduardo García Alfonso (Museo de Málaga); “Trade and Greek amphorae in Emporion (6th-3rd centuries BC); Dr. Pere Castanyer, Mrs. Elisa Hernàndez, Mrs. Marta Santos and Dr. Joaquim Tremoleda (MAC-Empúries); “Greek amphorae in the Iberian city of Ullastret”, Mr. Ferran Codina, Mr. Pau Menéndez and Mr. Gabriel de Prado (MAC-Ullastret), to conclude with a debate moderated by Dr. Xavier Aquilué (MAC-Iberia Graeca), Dr. Miguel Ángel Cau-Ontiveros (ICREA-IAUB) and Mrs. Rut Geli (MAC-CASC).

The Conference are intended for archaeologists, historians of Antiquity, university undergraduate and master’s students of the ancient word and people interested in classical Archaeology. Participation in the Conference is free.

More information with the full program of the Conferences:

Additional information and reservations: our telephone: 93 423 21 49

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