Museo Arqueológico de Burriana

Since 2013

The Museo Arqueológico de Burriana (MAM), located in the region of Plana Baixa (Castellón). Its aims are the conservation, research and dissemination at information about the archaeological heritage of Burriana and the region and, by extension, in the province of Castellón. The Museo Arqueológico de Burriana, with the collaboration of the Universitat Jaume I, will coordinate the documentation and computerization of the materials Greeks published of the Iberian sites in the province of Castellón. Among them, for example, from the necropolis of Orley (Vall d'Uixó), the settlement of Castell (Almenara) or the settlement of Puig de la Nao (Benicarló), these will be added to the document database of Iberia Graeca. Also planned is the participation of the Museo Arqueológico de Burriana in research projects on the Greek material culture in the Iberian Peninsula from the developed Iberia Graeca Centre.
Museo Arqueológico de Burriana
CMC La Mercè -  Plaça de la Mercè, s/n
E-12530 Burriana (Castellón)
Telf.: +(34) 964 510010 - Fax: +(34) 964 510184
Contact: Dr. José Manuel Melchor

Instituciones Colaboradoras:

ICACDepartamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte – Universidad Autónoma de MadridInstituto Cervantes de AtenasMuseo Arqueológico de BurrianaSociedad de Estudios de la cerámica antigua en Hispania. Ex officina hispanaDepartament de Prehistòria i Arqueologia Universitat de València  Departamento de Ciências e Técnicas do Património Universidade do Porto

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