The monograph La ruta de las Estrímnides. Navegación y conocimiento del litoral atlántico de Iberia en la Antigüedad is published

Number 4 of the Monografías de Gaia has been published, dedicated to analysing the commercial and cultural relations that were established in Antiquity between the Phoenician-Punic cities and the Castro culture communities of the North-western Iberian Peninsula. In the same way, the knowledge that the ancient Greeks had of the North-western end of the peninsula and the presence of Greek archaeological materials in the sites of this territory are studied. The monograph, edited by Eduardo Ferrer-Albelda, professor of the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology at the Universidad de Sevilla, consists of 21 articles of great scientific interest. Among them, we highlight for their theme those of Adolfo J. Domínguez Monedero, “Conocimientos propios y ajenos. La imagen griega del Atlántico”, Eduardo Ferrer-Albelda and Pedro Albuquerque, “El conocimiento del extremo Occidente en la Grecia arcaica: las Casitérides y la geografía de los recursos”, Pierre Moret, “Eratóstenes y la figura geográfica de los extremos atlánticos de Europa”, Daniela de Freitas Ferreira, “Cerâmica grega no norte de Portugal” and Antonio M. Sáez Romero et alii, “Proyecto Estrímnides: resultados preliminares”.


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