Published the book Non svfficit orbis. Geografía histórica y mítica en la Antigüedad

Between April 3 and 7, 2017, the I International Congress on Historical and Mythical Geography in Antiquity: Geography and Myth in Classical Antiquity was held at the Universidad de Valencia, organized by tis university together with Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia and the Universitè d’Artois. The congress brought together an important group of researchers who analyzed, from a multidisciplinary perspective, geographic knowledge in the Ancient Word, bases both on literary and mythical references and on the preserved texts of geographers of Antiquity.

In the last week of 2020, the proceedings of this congress have been published by the Dykinson publishing house, under the coordination of Manuel Albadelejo, David Hernández de la Fuente, Stéphane Lebreton y Pierre Schneider, with the title: Non svfficit orbis. Geografía Histórica y Mítica en la Antigüedad. Among the interesting Works that this book contains, we highligth those of Mª Paz García Bellido, “Moneda y geografía étnica de Iberia”, Cristina García García “Sobre las colonias de Hemeroskopeion, Alonis y Akra Leuke: Estado de la cuestión” and Eleonora Sideri, “Fra Iberia e Italia: itinerari nella Geografia di Strabone”.

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