Last March 6, Professor Glòria Trias Rubiés died in Palma de Mallorca, one month short of her 99th birthday (Barcelona, April 22, 1925). On the occasion of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the publication of his work Cerámicas griegas de la Península Ibérica (Valencia, vol. I: 1967, vol. II: 1968) in...
Category: News
At the feet of the goddess
In the latest issue of the journal Complutum (34-2, 2023), from the Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the article “A los pies de la diosa. Contexto y análisis de la escultura de mármol griego documentada en el patio del yacimiento tartésico de Casas del Turuñuelo (Guareña,...
La Fonteta 3. Las importaciones griegas e itálicas y su contexto mediterráneo
The Universitat d’Alacant has just published the monograph La Fonteta 3. Las importaciones griegas e itálicas y su contexto mediterráneo, within the new stage of the Studia Hispano-Phoenicia series (number 10). The book presents the exhaustive study of the Etruscan and Greek materials documented in the Phoenician settlement of La Fonteta (Guardamar del Segura,...
Myths, Gods & Heroes. Greek Vases in Portugal
With the title Myths, Gods & Heroes. Greek Vases in Portugal/Mitos, Deuses & Heróis. Vasos Gregos em Portugal (2022), three volumes of the catalogue dedicated to the homonymous exhibition that will be held in the future at the Museu del Convento dos Lóios in Santa Maria da Feira have been published. The objective of...
La cerámica ática fuera del Ática
The prestigious Roman publishing house L’Erma di Bretschneider has recently published the book La cerámica ática fuera del Ática. Contextos, usos y miradas, edited by Carmen Sánchez Fernández and Jorge Tomás García and coordinated by David Vendrell Cabanillas and Pelayo Huerta Segovia, within the Studia Archaeologica serie (number 256). The volume includes the proceedings...
Iberia griega
Issue 51 (October-November 2023) of Desperta Ferro. Arqueología & Historia magazine is dedicated monographically to the Greek presence in Iberia. The issue consists of eight articles that present the current state of knowledge of Greek colonization in the Iberian Peninsula, with a clearly informative character and with unquestionable scientific rigor, intended for a non-specialist...
Published the Boletín Ex Officina Hispana number 14 of the Sociedad de Estudios de la Cerámica Antigua en Hispania
Last July, the Boletín Ex Officina Hispana number 14 of the Sociedad de Estudios de la Cerámica Antigua en Hispania (SECAH) was published. A new issue with an interesting editorial dedicated to “La aportación de los pecios a los estudios cerámicos en época Antigua” by Rut Geli (pp. 2-5) and the main article “La...
Attic pottery from tartesian site of Casas del Turuñuelo (Guareña, Badajoz)
In the latest issue (49.1, 2023) of the journal Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid the article “La cerámica ática de Barniz Negro y de Figuras Rojas del yacimiento tartésico de Casas del Turuñuelo (Guareña, Badajoz): estudio tipológico y funcionalidad” was featured, by Pedro Miguel-Naranjo, Esther Rodríguez González and...
Museu de Arqueologia D. Diogo de Sousa. The Bühler-Brockhaus Donation. Masterpieces in the Collection of Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities
Within the series Classica Instrvumenta-Monografias de História de Arte e Arqueologia of the Universidade de Coimbra, Prof. Dr. Rui Morais has just published the monograph Museu de Arqueologia D. Diogo de Sousa. The Bühler-Brockhaus Donation. Masterpieces in the Collection of Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities. In 2021 the Bühler-Brockhaus Collection, made up of more...
El antiguo emporio de Huelva (siglos X-VI A. C.). Síntesis histórica y estudio de sus cerámicas griegas
The Universidad de Huelva has just published number 14 of the Onoba. Monografías series: El antiguo emporio de Huelva (siglos X-VI A. C.). Síntesis histórica y estudio de sus cerámicas griegas by Fernando González de Canales and Jorge Llompart Gómez. This is a magnificent archaeological study on the historical evolution of the emporium settlement...