Images of Blessing: Dionysian Imagery in Magna Graecia

Last March, the posthumous book by Dr. Paloma Cabrera Bonet, Images of Blessing: Dionysian Imagery in Magna Graecia, was published, which constitutes number 2 of the Estudios Clásicos collection of the Guillermo Escolar publishing and has been sponsored by the Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos and the BBVA Foundation. Paloma Cabrera, who died prematurely on August 30, 2020, left the finished manuscript and in the process of being translated into English by Jacqueline Cabrera Parajón. After his death, his colleagues and friends Alberto Bernabé, Fátima Díez Platas, Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui and Ana I. Jiménez San Cristóbal have been in charge of carrying out the last and complex editing procedures of the work that, happily, has now been published. The book is an iconographic study of the representations of Dionysus and his thiasos in the Magno-Greek pottery productions of the workshops of Apulia, Lucania, Sicily, Campania and Paestum, with chronologies of 450-300 BC. Most of the vases analysed come from funerary contexts and the Paloma Cabrera study, one of the greatest specialists in Greek iconography, allows us to understand the religious and ideological role that Dionysus played in the passage from life to death among the ancients Greeks. A magnificent book, with a careful edition and good illustrations, which adds the important scientific heritage that Paloma Cabrera has bequeathed to us.

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