La cerámica ática fuera del Ática

The prestigious Roman publishing house L’Erma di Bretschneider has recently published the book La cerámica ática fuera del Ática. Contextos, usos y miradas, edited by Carmen Sánchez Fernández and Jorge Tomás García and coordinated by David Vendrell Cabanillas and Pelayo Huerta Segovia, within the Studia Archaeologica serie (number 256). The volume includes the proceedings of the International Congress that, with the title Presencia de la cerámica ática en el Mediterráneo: modelos, identidades, usos y narraciones, was held on April 28 and 29, 2022 at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and at the Museo Arqueológico Nacional (MAN), dedicated to the memory of Dr. Paloma Cabrera Bonet, Head of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities of the MAN. The book, of 312 pages and prefaced by Dr. Mario Iozzo, is made up of 15 articles related to the trade, distribution and iconography of Attic tableware pottery, especially the kraters, in the Iberian Peninsula, although it also has two interventions on its presence in Thrace and in the Thermaic Gulf area. To highlight the careful edition of the publication made by the L’Erma publishing house.

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