Published in 2020 different articles on Greek pottery in Iberia

Fragment of an Apulian pottery krater found in Crevillent (Graells, Lorrio, Esteve 2020, fig. 5. Photography: P. Camacho)

We would like to highlight, apart from the monographic publications that we have reported throughout the year in this section, a series of articles published in 2020 on Greek pottery in Iberia that have appeared in different scientific journals. The article by E. García Alfonso, Un ánfora ática procedente de las excavaciones del rectorado de la Universidad de Málaga, Spal. Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología 29/2, Sevilla, 2020, 65-80, focuses on an Attic amphora of the SOS type, from the second half of the 7th century BC, related to the construction of the Phoenician wall of Malaga. The work of A. Delgado, M. Ferrer y M. Santos, ¿Dualidad étnica o heterogeneidad social? Equipos cerámicos y prácticas cotidianas en la Neápolis de Emporion, c. 425-375 a. C., Zephyrus LXXXV, Salamanca, 2020, 79-108, presents a ceramic analysis of different contexts of the Neapolis of Emporion, assessing the percentage relationship between the various pottery productions, according to their origin and functionality. The article by R. Graells, A. J. Lorrio y R. Esteve, ¿Quién sostuvo el cielo en Crevillent? A propósito de un fragmento cerámico de El Forat (prov. Alicante), Ottium. Archeologia e Cultura del Mondo Antico 8, 2020, 1-38, analyses a cut-out fragment of an Apulian krater, studying the iconography of the character represented and the causes of his presence in this Alicante settlement. Finally, the work of I. Amorós, Cerámicas importadas del Sector G de La Serreta (Alcoi-Cocentaina-Penàguila). Repertorio, distribución y comensalidad en una ciudad contestana, Saguntum (P.L.A.V.) 52, València, 2020, 95-116, presents an interesting set of Attic pottery from this contestan oppidum.

The links to each of these articles can be found in the “Bibliography” section of our website:


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