The tartesian sanctuary of Turuñuelo de Guareña (Badajoz) in Arqueomanía

On February 10, was broadcast on RTVE's "Arqueomanía" program, a report on the archaeological excavations carried out in the Tartesian sanctuary of Turuñuelo de Guareña (Badajoz), directed by Dr. Sebastián Celestino and Dr. Esther Rodríguez from Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida (CSIC-Junta de Extremadura). Between the archaeological materials found, dated in the V century a. C., several examples of Attic Red-Figure and Black-glace pottery stand out, as well as an important set of locally produced pottery that imitate the Attic forms. These vases were intended for the ritual banquets held in the sanctuary. An advance on the study of them in: S. Celestino, F. Gracia y E. Rodríguez, Copas para un banquete. La distribución de cerámicas áticas en Extremadura, Homenaje a Glòria Trias Rubiés. Cerámicas griegas de la Península Ibérica: cincuenta años después (1967-2017), Iberia Graeca Centre, Barcelona 2017, 140-149. You can consult this link

Manuel Pimentel, director of the "Arqueomanía" program, and Sebastián Celestino, director of the Instituto de
Arqueología de Mérida (with a beard), inside the sanctuary of Turuñuelo
(screenshots of the "Arqueomanía" program on February 10, 2018-RTVE)

The Arqueomanía program can be seen in the following link: Arqueomanía


Kylix de cerámica ática de figuras rojas hallado en el santuario.
(Celestino/Gracia/Rodríguez 2017, 147, fig. 4)

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