Typology of Emporion coins of the first half of the fifth century BC
In the latest issue of the magazine Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina the article by P. P. Ripollès and J.-A. Chevillon “Las acuñaciones post-arcaicas de Emporion (ca. 480/470-440 a. C.)” (APL XXXIII, Valencia, 2020, 167-198) has been published, which analyses the coins minted in the Greek city of Emporion during the so-called Phase C of the production of...

Published in 2020 different articles on Greek pottery in Iberia
We would like to highlight, apart from the monographic publications that we have reported throughout the year in this section, a series of articles published in 2020 on Greek pottery in Iberia that have appeared in different scientific journals. The article by E. García Alfonso, Un ánfora ática procedente de las excavaciones del rectorado de...

Great acceptance of the publications of the Iberia Graeca website
The situation created this year 2020 by Codiv-19 has forced us to interact more than ever telematically. As a result, there has been an increase in visits to the Iberia Graeca website and also a considerable increase in downloads of our publications, which this year have reached 7239 downloads.The book Iberia Graeca. The Greek...

New documentation works for the Document Database of the Iberia Graeca Center
Between September 18 and November 18, thanks to the hiring of three documentalists archaeologists, it has been possible to make 525 record cards of Greek materials that have been incorporated into the Document Database of the Iberia Graeca website. Of these record cards, 239 correspond to Greek pottery from the archaeological sites in the...

Published the proceedings of the IX International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies
The Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida has published number 5 of Mytra. Monografías y Trabajos de Arqueología (IAM, CSIC-Junta de Extremadura, Mérida 2020) which with the title A Journey between East and West in the Mediterranean includes the contributions presented at the IX International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies, held in Mérida between on...

The monograph La ruta de las Estrímnides. Navegación y conocimiento del litoral atlántico de Iberia en la Antigüedad is published
Number 4 of the Monografías de Gaia has been published, dedicated to analysing the commercial and cultural relations that were established in Antiquity between the Phoenician-Punic cities and the Castro culture communities of the North-western Iberian Peninsula. In the same way, the knowledge that the ancient Greeks had of the North-western end of the...

Dead Hellenist Francisco Rodríguez Adrados
On July 21, at the age of 98, Professor Francisco Rodríguez Adrados, one of the most prestigious and internationally renowned Spanish Hellenists, died in Madrid. He was Professor of Greek Philology at the University of Barcelona and the Complutense of Madrid, member of the Real Academia Española, the Real Academia de la Historia and...

Call the 5th conference of the International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period (IARPotHP)
The International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period (IARPotHP) has announced the celebration of the “5th Conference: From East to West and back again: societies, economies and ceramics in the Hellenistic World” to be held from June 22-25, 2021 in Sevilla. The conference is structured in five topics: Long-distance Trade Networks...

Published the book Analyse et exploitation des timbres amphoriques grecs
Recently, the monograph Analyse et exploitation des timbres amphoriques grecs has appeared, edited by Nathan Badoud and Antigone Marangou (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, 2019). The book covers the proceedings of the International Colloquium held in Athens, on 3-5 February 2010, on the different stamps that appear on Greek amphorae from the Archaic period...

Research project of the port areas of the Greek city of Emporion
On May 18, on the occasion of the celebration of International Museum Day, the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya (MAC) presented its new Blog ( with the aim of being a channel of digital dissemination of their activities. The Blog is structured in six sections: “News”, “Museum stories”, “Museum inside”, “Open to the public”, “From...