Last November, the Volume 4 of the Journal of Greek Archaeology (JGA) corresponding to the year 2019 was published. This anual publication was born in 2016, on the initiative of the Publisher Archaeopress (Oxford) and under the direction of Professor John Bintliff of Leiden University. It is a journal specialized in Greek archaeology with an ambitious approach, both chronologically (it hosts research from the prehistory to the modern age) and territorial (it includes Works from Greece and the territories where the Greek exerted its influence thoughout history: Italy, Anatolia, Cyprus, Western Mediterranean,...). No work by Spanish and Portuguese researchers has appeared (excepte for some book reviews by Dr. Diana Rodríguez Pérez) in the four published issuies or on Greek archaeology in Iberia, possibly because there are no researchers from these countries in the Editorial Board and the Editorial Advisory Board of the JGA.
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More news
Greek trade in the Mediterranean in Antiquity. Transport amphorae
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Published Volume 8 of the Journal of Greek Archaeology
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At the feet of the goddess
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