Call the 5th conference of the International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period (IARPotHP)

The International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period (IARPotHP) has announced the celebration of the “5th Conference: From East to West and back again: societies, economies and ceramics in the Hellenistic World” to be held from June 22-25, 2021 in Sevilla. The conference is structured in five topics: Long-distance Trade Networks...

Research project of the port areas of the Greek city of Emporion

On May 18, on the occasion of the celebration of International Museum Day, the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya (MAC) presented its new Blog ( with the aim of being a channel of digital dissemination of their activities. The Blog is structured in six sections: “News”, “Museum stories”, “Museum inside”, “Open to the public”, “From...

We continue to increase our Document Database

Throughout this month of April, the situation caused by coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has continued to alter the daily activities of our society. From the Iberia Graeca Centre, thanks to telematic work, we have been able to increase the Document Database of this website with the preparation and introduction of 206 new record cards of Greek...

About the Athenian epidemic of the years 430-426 BC

Since we are quarantined because of the pandemic caused by coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and although this publication does not refer to the Greek Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula, we would like to highlight this article, published last year, by Dr. María del Pino Carreño, titled “War and plague in Athens. Review of the possible origin...

Published Volume 4 of the Journal of Greek Archaeology

Last November, the Volume 4 of the Journal of Greek Archaeology (JGA) corresponding to the year 2019 was published. This anual publication was born in 2016, on the initiative of the Publisher Archaeopress (Oxford) and under the direction of Professor John Bintliff of Leiden University. It is a journal specialized in Greek archaeology with...

Feast of the Vasilopita 2020

As every year, the Greek Community of Catalonia has celebrated the Feast of the Vasilopita on the occasion of the beginning of the new year. The party took place in Barcelona on February 16 and had a large participation of the members of the Community. The Iberia Graeca Centre has participated in the Feast...

The monograph Igualdad y desigualdad de género en la sociedad ibérica. El ejemplo de Coimbra del Barranco Ancho (Jumilla, Murcia) is published

José Miguel García Cano and Rosa M.ª Gualda Bernal have published the monograph Igualdad y desigualdad de género en la sociedad ibérica. El ejemplo de Coimbra del Barranco Ancho (Jumilla, Murcia), where they analysed, from a gender perspective, the representation of women in the three Iberian necropolis linked to the town of Coimbra del...

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